Sunday, August 07, 2005

It`s raining men!

Of course, by men I mean menrui, or noodles. I had udon when I first arrived at my contracting organization, ramen the next day for lunch, cup noodles for dinner, and now I`m having zaru soba noodles for lunch. Heehee! I really love cold Japanese noodles in the summer.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

I`m here!

Tokyo orientation was a party, but there was no time to call anyone! I couldn`t figure out my phone card, either, to be honest. I`m supposed to get a cell phone (keitai denwa) today, but for now I`m just using the internet in the Board of Education office.
Oddly, I haven`t signed my contract yet. Weird, eh? It`s because Tanya, my predecessor, has my official stamp, I guess. She`s in Australia until the 24th or 27th.
I can`t put up pictures yet, but I didn`t take many, anyway. I was too busy drinking and dancing :P I feel handicapped without a phone, though. Mom, if you read this, I`m sorry I haven`t called.